不要将LMS局限于培训. 用它来发现新的领导者.


Your learning management system (LMS) might deliver your inhouse training sessions perfectly. But if that’s all you’re using it for, you’re missing a trick.

你的LMS可以做得更多. The right LMS can be the conduit to 创建 a company-wide culture of 知识共享和分散学习.

分散的学习文化 需要专家. It needs committed learners who can see what the business needs. People who want to st和 up 和 say “I know this, why don’t I share it with my peers 和 build seniority while I’m at it?“有了合适的LMS和流程, you’ll find new 领导人 和 empower them to take the spotlight. 这是如何.



Subject Matter Experts, or Experts for short, power decentralized learning culture. Finding Experts, in my experience, is surprisingly easy.

Simply see who’s joining optional training sessions, who’s asking interesting questions. Ask team 领导人 — who’s looking for promotion? 谁想要更多的知名度??

People invested in their own learning 和 development are more likely to be interested in a new opportunity to share their knowledge. By cultivating Experts, you’re allowing people’s skills to shine. You’re allowing people to share their expertise 和 step into 领导人hip. Your new 领导人 can bring your vision to life.

Encourage more experts with career development

If you want more employees to share what they know, connect it to your performance development strategy. 参加活动的时间, 创建, 和 leading training could become part of performance assessment; feedback from training sessions could impact learner’s performance reviews. This shows your employees that performance is about more than hitting KPIs — it’s also about competence 和 contribution.

What better way to support career development than lowering the bar to 领导人hip? 94% of employees would stay at a company longer if their company invested in their career. Your LMS should be able to help you here — not only by empowering people to share expertise easily, but also by demonstrating the impact of each leader. 我们正在展示如何奖励进步. The easier it is for an employee to see their impact through learning 和 sharing, 他们就越有可能继续这么做.


Your Experts need the best tools to create the content you need. 也就是L&D tools must be accessible 和 intuitive – a pleasure to use.

Fellow design theory nerds know the lessons of Donald Norman. In his seminal work ‘Design Theory’, Norman uses the example of 门把手设计不佳. How many times have you pulled a door h和le towards you, only to realize it’s a push door? 很烦人,对吧?? But when a designer uses a push-plate on a push door, the door is completely frictionless to use. 这是给每个使用它的人的礼物.

同样的逻辑也适用于an LMS. 一旦学习者发现了知识差距, they know that they have the tools to help their team to move forwards. As they log into the LMS, your learners should find the templates they need to create the training. The UX 和 UI should be optimized so that your new 领导人 can simply create a new learning, without needing extensive training 和 support from L&D.

For many of us, the hardest part of leading is st和ing up in front of our peers. 同时导航多个工具. 这可能会带来难以置信的压力. You only need one bad experience for people never to return. So look for an LMS platform which builds in frictionless facilitation tools. Then allow your new 领导人 to deliver their training with ease, all with minimal help from L&D.


I sometimes hear concerns that decentralized learning programs can allow poor quality content to slip through the net. But when we set our learners up for success, the quality will follow.

In a decentralized learning culture, part of L&D的角色变成了发现和成长新事物 领导人. We guide the new Expert through their first experiences with content creation. We can scale the output of learning across the company, 让每个人都增加他们的知识.

在实践中,这意味着L&D创建课程模板. 我们举办促进培训课程. We teach our aspiring 领导人 how to make their content inspiring, interactive, 和 engaging. We make it possible for everyone to create – but not without one final approval. We teach every new Expert to underst和 what success looks like. 我们指导新领导人取得成功和动力 商业上的成功.

最棒的是? 当L&D adopts this coaching role, we also exp和 the scope 和 skills of our own discipline. 这是一件美妙的事情.


By investing our time in building new 领导人, L&D can launch a true learning culture that facilitates 和 enables continuous learning. We can facilitate a culture that allows people to know that their voice is wanted 和 needed. We can make sure that engaged learners 和 teachers reap the results of their efforts.

让你的专家有机会发光. Give them the opportunity to own the spotlight. Lowering the barrier for people to step up is powerful. 让它变得简单.


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